“In Maine they have not a summer but a thaw.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Journal, 1844-1845, undated

While in throws of winter, spring can be but a distant dream.  Yet inevitably, ice covered windshields yield to slushy driveways which paves the way to rutted mud tracks.  It seems to sneak up on us every year, and before we know it this…

penny shovel


Gives way to this…


Which allows for this this…

jon in high tunnel


Which in turn brings us to this…

lettuce planters

In fact, the first outdoor farmer’s markets are happening this weekend.  You will be able to find the above artisanal lettuce planters available at the South Portland Farmer’s Market this Sunday from 10AM-2PM in the City Hall Parking Lot in Mill Creek.  In addition to lettuce planters, we will have tomato seedlings, kale starts, geraniums, begonias, marigolds, torenia, pansies, calibrochoa, impatiens, bacopa, & hanging baskets.

Special thanks to Justin Bouchard for making the amazing timelapse windmill video.  Hopefully we can keep the timelapse going all year!