A look at the brook on our farm after this season’s first snow.

The Snow Is Falling

Welcome back everyone for another season of fir tipping and tromps through the woods on our farm. We wanted to post just a quick update that wreath making is underway! The first snows now bow the boughs slightly. As we gather the balsalm fir, it is not uncommon to jostle the bough, causing a snow catapult that occasionaly can result in a fair amount of snow to face. Of course, brothers would never purposely fling snow at each other right?

Snow Matter the Conditions
Jon and Tristan start to gather the tips once the fir needles set.
The process to gather fir, pine, cedar, moss, pinecones, and other forest can vary depending upon whether snow has fallen. When we have no snow, but it is cold enough to begin gathering fir needles, we can usually take our tractor down the trails we cut through our woods without much problem. As the season progresses, or if we get an early snow fall, we sometimes will bring our tractor as far as we dare without getting it stuck, and advance on foot with our loppers in hand. Its wonderful to be in the woods, out of ear shot of the road. In snow, the crisp crunch of snow under foot adds to the natural forest sounds.
Here are few pictures from Jon’s recent outings. As you can see, we were able to get a a few fir tips before the snow started falling on Monday. Snow or no snow, it is tons of fun to gather the evergreens. We only wish it would stay light longer. Sunset today is 3:58pm!

Revisit Our Wreath Posts

Since 2013, we’ve actually written quite a few informational and fun blog posts on a whole host of topics. We’ve selected 4 quick reads that include detailed information about the types of trees growing in the North Maine Woods, photos, videos, and stories.
We have been enlarging our photos on old posts as we update our webpage.
Thanks for coming along on this fun ride with us!