A Deep Dive into the Lesser Known Leafy Greens

A Deep Dive into the Lesser Known Leafy Greens

Never really thought of broccoli or the Brussels sprout as a leafy green? Well, your not alone, but I think technically we can count both as leafy greens. The Brussels sprout is a member of the Gemmifera Group of cabbages (Brassica oleracea), and we eat its edible...

Old School Farm Cool

We’ve recently added a Tumblr microblog under the name “Old School Farm Cool” to post some of our favorite family photos gathered from albums in the attic. Hope you enjoy!...
“On Reading Wendell Berry”

“On Reading Wendell Berry”

From Guest Contributor Ryan Tahmaseb When I was asked to write something for Gromaine, my thoughts turned immediately to Wendell Berry. I had recently finished reading What Are People For?, a collection of Berry’s essays published in 1990 that centers around...

Gunna Farm Now

Here are just some of the ways we prepare for a season of farming. Quotes from friends who’ve watched this: “It is so bad, it is almost good.” “Eye of the Potato…You’d think we farm corn with this video.” We’ll take it!...

Honey Bees in Slo-Mo

How great is this video?  The footage was taken by Gromaine’s own and beekeeper extraordinaire,  Justin Bouchard.  Gromaine has benefitted all spring and summer from Justin’s hives.  His bees have been busy pollinating all sorts of plants vital to our...
In Case You Missed It

In Case You Missed It

We’ve had some pretty stellar instagram photos so far this season if we do say so ourselves.  I’m pretty sure you can find every shade of green in existence in these pictures. Also, can we make this winking lettuce pic go viral?  I feel like it is at least...